Top 5 Tips for Teaching Tier 2 Vocabulary

What does high quality vocabulary instruction look like to you?

Does it involve drill and repetition? Will it result in a list of words and definitions from the curriculum?

Today I’m sharing 5 critical pieces to effective Tier 2 vocabulary instruction.

Grab a FREE SAMPLE of my Tier 2 Vocabulary Intervention, so you can have a research-based activity ready at your fingertips, at the end of this post! 

1. Vocabulary instruction is NOT a drill

Vocabulary is so much more than a printed definition memorized through drill. It’s living, breathing, colorful and experiential, (which is why I love it so much).

Not all kids have access to vocabulary-rich experiences. That’s why I’m passionate about incorporating experiential learning principles into therapy.

What are some examples of experiential vocabulary instruction?

  • Teach vocabulary through field trips (in-person or free virtual ones!)
  • Create a simple speech newspaper that involves researching vocabulary to generate a meaningful story.
  • Teach vocabulary through a hands-on, project-based experience that follows my Rule of the 3 M’s (is the learning target motivating, meaningful and memorable in the context of the experience?)

2. Not all vocabulary words have equal importance in language intervention

As SLPs, we want to select meaningful vocabulary targets. It’s valuable to organize vocabulary into tiers, so we can think critically about the impact of our intervention.

Here’s a quick refresher related to the three main tiers we frequently use.

Tier 1: This type of vocabulary has the highest frequency of occurrence and is comprised of basic words (e.g. happy, boy, bird). Direct instruction is not usually required.

Tier 2: These words occur across domains and are important for reading comprehension. These words are more academic in nature (e.g. evaluate, measure, generous).

Tier 3: These words are related to highly specific areas or domains. They occur at a lower frequency (e.g. science vocabulary such as evaporation, condensation and precipitation).

Can you guess which tier is generally my favorite to focus on? If you guessed Tier 2, you’re right!

3. Teach vocabulary found in instructions and questions

Evaluate, analyze, compare, assess, describe, summarize…

Do you think we should just focus on the reading passage or should we spend time on those directions and question words too?

When I was a proctor for statewide testing, I sat beside my 6th grade student during a math test. It was eye-opening because I suddenly realized that she struggled with Tier 2 vocabulary.

After witnessing how Tier 2 vocabulary could affect a math score, it became clear that it could impact every subject.

So, here’s my simple tip for your older students. Grab assignments and tests from the classroom and highlight those words. Use them in therapy and it will have an impact.

4. Tier 2 Vocabulary is Cross-Curricular

Need another reason to love using Tier 2 vocabulary? It’s cross-curricular! I created this graphic to illustrate how it can carry over to so many areas.

Check out my #SLPBigKids highlight on Instagram here to view my video about what the research suggests for effectively teaching Tier 2 Vocabulary to older kids!

5. Use High-Interest Vocabulary with your students

High-interest vocabulary can be a game-changer for older students. Engagement is everything!

Think about which topics your students love and incorporate them. I created these High-Interest Nonfiction Passages to generate some excitement around learning, and it worked!

If you’re looking for a research-based resource that incorporates all of these elements, check out my Tier 2 Intervention with Research Visuals and Mnemonics!


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